Concept, Direction, Design:
Kate Lane
Additional Direction:
Valentina Ceschi
360 Film:
Ben Turnbull
Timaeus was a collaboration with Ben Turnbull and Valentina Ceschi as a Brave New Worlds production. It was funded by a Jerwood Performing Arts Micro Bursery.
This piece was a research project into the devising process used in 360 VR film, it examined how scenography could work as the central dramaturgical component and to create VR as a live performance. It’s aim was to put the audience as an immersive participant being both passive performer and active audience. It explored how a post-dramatic approach to the devising process and use of design aspects could be the basis for developing VR performance. The aim was for the viewer to be absorbed in a living, moving, breathing, ever changing tableau vivant.
Using Plato’s Timaeus & Russian Cosmism as a starting point the work explored concepts around human intuition in the creative process, geometry and the potential of the micro and macro in evolution.